I’m still getting used to the idea. Almost every author
I know tells me that the easy bit is actually writing the book. Well, thanks
for that, I think!
It’s beginning to dawn on me that maybe you should
listen to other authors who have had the experience. Okay, some of them might
be winding me up. Writers of fiction can do that, bend the truth with a
straight face. However, anyone who has read my book (and if you haven’t,
there’s still plenty available….) will know that I tell nothing but the
unvarnished truth, or at least bits of it.
However, getting the message out there is an integral
part of becoming a successful published author. There isn’t much point writing
the best book in the world if nobody actually reads it. You have to be willing
to do a bit of organising and advertising. I wonder if you have as much
experience in these matters as I have, namely zilch.
I think I’ve embarked on a cliche, namely a steep
learning curve. My tiny little brain doesn’t much like it, but then my tiny
little brain didn’t much like the idea of all the strain and stress of
producing something of marketable quality.
Next week is Book Week, so I’ve managed to organise a
radio interview to talk about my book.
If you want to hear the interview, it will be happening
next Thursday (17th November) at 2 PM. It’s being broadcast on Sunny G radio,
103.5Mhz or online. Exciting stuff for a newly hatched author…..
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